2023 WAS Calendar

Scribblers at Home Jan 5: Old World Echoes by CCMMJan 12: Exploring the Heavens with Uncle Paul by CCMMJan 19: Senators of Rome by CCMM                                Jan 26: A Dad’s Guide to Classical Education by Robert Bortins Foundations Feb 2: The Core by...

FreedomFest 2021 Rapid City, SD

by Leigh Bortins As an educational entrepreneur, it is difficult to find allies who believe in free market alternatives to government schools. Even libertarian and conservative think tanks often offer educational policies that keep families dependent on government...

Gutenberg College Education Conference 2021

GUEST SPEAKERS                                 LEIGH BORTINS                              NANCY PEARCEY                        ANDREW PUDEWA                                         JOHN SEEL PLENARY TALKS Thursday, Sept. 9 7:15 PM: “Mastery Learning, Ability...