Learning to Think with William Bortins

Are you looking for a free place to think? Are you tired of hearing a scripted point of view read by an empty body? Our culture is saturated with noise: clickbait headlines, news narratives, political movements, and more. All of these distractions have taught us what to think not how to think. This show hosts conversations with individuals who have demonstrated their ability to sift through the noise and express counter cultural ideas with practical applications.

CC Plus: Is It for Us? Everyday Educator

Calling all families with questions about “dual enrollment” and the Challenge program!  You need to listen to this week’s episode, as Daniel Shirley shares with Lisa the details of CC Plus and all its benefits for families.  Daniel offers counsel for assessing a student’s readiness for concurrent enrollment, as well as ideas on how to get started with registration.  Whether you’re thinking about starting this fall or fall of 2030, we’ll give you good things to consider! At Classical Conversations®, we believe that education is the responsibility of the family, with support from fellow believers. The Classical Learning Cohorts meet regularly online to practice the tools of learning with discussion, presentations, and assessment. Join the conversation at classicalconversations.com/cohort.    
  1. CC Plus: Is It for Us?
  2. Road to Wonder – Summer Book Club
  3. Reading is A Gateway, Summer Book Club
  4. Active Listening, Kings of Rome – Summer Book Club
  5. Stories From When the World Was New – Summer Book Club

Classical Conversations Podcast

Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. We believe there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.